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WHATProvider of fall prevention education and programs for older adults.
WHYTo identify causes of falls and develop effective interventions. To help provide independence, safety, and well-being of older adults through leadership and education.
WHEREThe Fall Prevention Center of Excellence.
University of Southern California’s Leonard Davis School of Gerontology. Los Angeles, California, USA.

Program Description

“Falls are the number one cause of injury, hospital visits due to trauma, and death from an injury among people age 65 and older. It is estimated that one in three older adults falls each year. Falls among older adults is a serious issue, but research has shown that many fall risks can be reduced.”

“Successful fall prevention involves the three main strategies of: balance training and physical activity; medical management; and, environmental/home modifications.”

“At the heart of this initiative is the message that falls are preventable.
During Fall Prevention Awareness Week, California’s fall prevention coalitions, health care providers, and senior service agencies will hold presentations, health fairs, screenings, and workshops to raise awareness among older adults and their families and caregivers, elder care professionals, and the general public about the seriousness of falls and ways to reduce fall risk.”

The Fall Prevention Center of Excellence programs include: 

The Fall Prevention Coalition which provides:

  • Fall prevention education, advocacy, planning, and community action.  
  • Fall Hotspot’ zip codes where older people fall at high rates.
  • Walkability Workshop highlighting pedestrian hazards such as uneven sidewalks and unsafe street crossings.
  •  Fall prevention speaker presentations and theater performances called 'The Falling Monologues' directed to older adults to increase awareness of falls.

FP Connect - Trains Emergency Medical Services and Fire Departments by providing ride alongs, home safety assessments, and focus groups to help them address fall risks and reduce repeat falls. 

Pills & Spills - Trains caregivers in nursing homes, assisted care and senior living to reduce falls by recognizing the link between medications & falls, better understanding medical conditions which may contribute to falls, and improved body positioning.

Home Safety Adaptations for the Elderly - Home Safety and Modifications to prevent falls such as:

  • Grab bars, better lighting.
  • Smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, clean furnace, and emergency escape plans.
  • Eliminating clutter hazards.

Fall Prevention Week is held annually in September. Promotional flyers are available on topics such as Home Safety, Outdoor Falls, Medication and Falls, Vision Related Falls, Preventing Falls with Pets and talking to Doctor about Fall Risk.

The Fall Prevention Center of Excellence aims to provide leadership, create new knowledge and develop sustainable fall prevention programs. The center works with University of Southern California’s Andrus Gerontology Center, the Center for Successful Aging at California State University, Fullerton, the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center, University of California Los Angeles, School of Medicine, the California Department of Public Health, Safe and Active Communities Branch and the USC School of Pharmacy.

Aging Programs
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