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WHATDementia awareness training for children.
WHYTo teach kids about dementia and to increase sensitivity and awareness when around those with dementia.
WHERE East Dunbartonshire Council. Alzheimer’s Scotland.

Program Description

“As our population ages, more young people will come into contact with someone with dementia, either through family, friends, neighbors, people in their community and through the media. Teaching young people about dementia will hopefully remove any fear of the illness or stigma in relation to a person who has dementia. Learning about dementia provides an opportunity to explore inter-generational relationships, build respect and equality for the elderly and help the children to explore their capacity for compassion and resilience.”

School children will learn about the following dementia topics:

  • What is Dementia.
  • How Can Dementia Affect a Person.
  • How Can Dementia Affect Family, Friends, And Community.
  • A Healthy Lifestyle – Good for Your Brain.
  • Respect and Dignity – Raising Awareness and Reducing Stigma.
  • Signposting – People Who Can Help.

Each topic will have a desired goal for children to better understand dementia along with specific activities and role plays.

Dementia awareness includes activities such as asking children to imagine what it would be like to:

  • Go shopping and forgetting what they need.
  • Getting dressed.
  • Making Breakfast.
  • Remembering names of people and places.

Tools to help kids understand dementia include:

  • Body Part Cards.
  • Brain Chart.
  • Jigsaw Pieces.
  • Emotion Cards.
  • Local Community Map
Teacher toolkits are available for download on the Alzheimer’s Scotland website.

Find out more about the Dementia Awareness Schools Pack

Aging Programs
Dementia Assistance and Activities
Dementia Training and Dementia Advocacy

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