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WHAT Those with Alzheimer's and other dementia can sit and experience in a room decorated in a 1950’s style with old-fashioned furniture, photographs, phones, and a typewriter.
WHYTo help those with Alzheimer's and other dementia to deal with possible memory recall, anxiety, confusion and to get into a peaceful state.
WHERECoombe End Court Nursing Facility.
The Orders of St John Care Trust.
Marlborough, Wilts, England.

Program Description

"Years ago if somebody was upset and distressed in the night, you'd give them a tablet, but now we bring them in and we talk to them.
Within an hour they're completely calm and happy."

Claire Walters – Program Manager

The "Reminiscence Room" at Coombe End Court is a way to comfort residents with advanced dementia, whose symptoms include loss of recent memory, distress and anxiety and may also serve to recall memory.

The reminiscence room replicates the decor of a typical British home in the post-war years and features flying ducks, a working Ferranti valve radio, a Bakelite dial telephone, utility 1950's and reproduction furniture from the era, a gramophone, and fittings and everyday objects from home and office.

Those with Alzheimer's and other dementia who use the sitting room are comforted by familiar surroundings and show less distress and anxiety as a result. There have been cases for which the reminiscence room has reduced the need for medication at the nursing facility.

The "Reminiscence Room" Program can act as a form of reminiscence therapy for those with Alzheimer's or other dementia.,

Find out more about the “Reminiscence Room” Program

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