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WHATThe 'I CAN! I WILL!' project collects hundreds of personal stories and ideas from persons living with dementia, dementia caregivers, medical professionals and Alzheimer's associations in a very unique and interactive online library.
WHYTo provide a support system of ideas that have worked for others to help cope with dementia. To increase support and awareness of dementia in families, neighborhoods, communities and countries around the world.
WHERERichard Taylor, PhD., and Laura Bowley.
Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI)
The International Federation of Alzheimer Associations.
World Health Organization. Based in the United Kingdom. International.

Program Description

"Together we can spread awareness of what it is like to live with dementia, address the myths and stigma that accompany the diagnosis of dementia, and encourage, enable and support people living with dementia to be more open with others about their disability."

“I CAN! I WILL! Project” helps those with dementia by:

Giving the opportunity to people with dementia to stand up and speak out about what it is like to live with the symptoms of dementia.

Allowing people with dementia and dementia caregivers to share what they have learned about dementia and how to live with the disease on a daily basis.

Sharing ideas on how to cope with dementia, family conversations, local programs, and community events.

Increasing awareness of dementia in families, neighborhoods, communities and countries worldwide.

Engaging the public in a dialogue.

The “I CAN! I WILL! Project” helps people with dementia, care partners, professional carers, and medical professionals through ideas posted on the website. Everyone can contribute his or her own ideas and stories as well.

Aging Programs
Dementia Assistance and Activities
Alzheimer's & Dementia Caregivers



Find out more about Alzheimer's Disease International's
“I CAN! I WILL! Project”

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