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WHATDementia Dialogues is a free dementia training course to educate dementia caregivers and others in how to care for those with dementia. The Dementia Dialogues video series trains dementia caregivers with quick tips to provide quality care to persons living with dementia.
WHYTo provide education and support for dementia caregivers.
WHEREOffice for the Study of Aging at the Arnold School of Public Health. South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. South Carolina.

Program Description

Dementia caregiver training can be provided to the following individuals:

• Social Workers
• Certified Nursing Assistants
• Personal Care Assistants
• Public Health Professionals
• Counselors
• Nurses
• Medical Professionals
• Clergy
• Families
• Activity Directors
• Anyone who is interested

Dementia caregiving topics include:

  • The Basic Facts: An Introduction to Dementia.
  • Keeping the Dialogue Going: Communication Skills.
  • Preparing the Environment: Safety, Activities of Daily Living, and Quality of Life.
  • It’s Nothing Personal: Addressing Challenging Behavior.
  • Now What Do I Do?: Creative Problem Solving.
Dementia Assistance and Activities
Dementia, Alzheimer's Caregivers Programs
Memory Recall and Mind Fitness Programs
Dementia and Arts Programs
Dementia Documentaries




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