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WHATMemory games and mind fitness activities to help seniors and others to maintain a strong and healthy mind. BrainHQ brain games can also help those with memory loss or dementia to stay engaged and encourage an active mind.
WHYTo help older adults and others to focus their attention, increase brain speed, improve memory, enhance people skills, and sharpen their overall brain health.
WHEREBrainHQ. Posit Science. Founder -Dr. Michael Merzenich - University of California at San Francisco.

Program Description

"50 years ago, going to the gym wasn't something the average person did… Just as you can exercise your abs, delts, and quads, you can exercise your memory, attention, and more. As with physical exercise, brain exercise can help you improve your performance and feel your best."

"Dozens of published, peer-reviewed studies have proven that the brain training exercises in BrainHQ can improve the symptoms of dementia, including memory, auditory processing, brain speed, quality of life, and more. Other studies have found that using the exercises before serious onset of dementia symptoms can help keep them at bay."

"Sharpness starts with the senses. Our eyes, ears, and other sensory organs constantly send information to the brain. Our brains use this information to construct our experiences and memories… Improving your brain's sharp representation of the details of what you see, hear and feel is a key step in improving your overall brain function."

BrainHQ by Posit Science can speed up thinking, sharpen attention, and enhance memory, which can help in the area of senior safety.

Senior drivers can sharpen reaction times so that they can drive safely and with increased confidence. Seniors may also be more alert and aware of their home environment and potential hazards such as leaving the stove on or water running etc.

Posit Science offers a free brain games trial for those wanting to try out the BrainHQ program.

Posit Science’s approach to brain fitness is that mind sharpness starts with the senses, eyes, ears, and other sensory organs and therefore aims to provide exercises that target not only memory and thinking but also the ability of the brain to absorb information from our eyes, ears, and other senses.

BrainHQ has researched several memory games and brain fitness exercises to help seniors and others to maintain a strong mental health in the following areas:

Memory Exercises
– memory games to sharpen the brain’s ability to record what you see and hear so that you can create a crystal-clear memory and easy recall.

Attention Exercises - help retrain the brain to focus its attention to feel more aware and less distracted.

Brain Speed Exercises – brain training so that allows effective reaction and recall of events.

People Skills Exercises – memory games that make it easier to remember names and faces, and read people’s emotions effectively.

Intelligence Exercises – work on the ability to process multiple pieces of information quickly.

Memory Programs



BrainHQ from Posit Science on Vimeo.


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