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WHATAlzheimer's Foundation of America (AFA) on Campus is a division of the Alzheimer's Foundation of America that encourages and engages students at colleges and universities to engage in Alzheimer awareness raising activities and to get involved as future leaders of the Alzheimer's cause.
WHYTo increase awareness of Alzheimer's in the youth and general population.
WHERE Alzheimer's Foundation of America (AFA) on Campus. AFA Teens.
Across the USA.

Program Description

"AFA Teens offers teenagers the opportunity to get involved through AFA Teens chapters formed across the country. Chapters are student-led, activity-based offshoots of AFA that groom tomorrow's leaders and engage students in efforts to raise awareness of Alzheimer's disease, volunteer in their community, facilitate educational and social programs and make a difference in a cause
important to all of us."

Through student involvement Alzheimer’s Foundation of America on Campus aims to:

  • Provide Alzheimer’s education, counseling and support to college students and their families.
  • Create support networks for students coping with Alzheimer’s disease in their families while attending college.
  • Increase awareness of Alzheimer’s disease and related illnesses at colleges and universities across the USA.
  • Help support the Alzheimer's Foundation of America.
  • Build on the momentum of AFA Teens.
  • Groom the next generation of Alzheimer’s disease activists.
  • Provide meaningful volunteer opportunities to assist those with Alzheimer’s.
  • Interest students in healthcare careers.
  • Raise public awareness of the need for youth involvement.
  • Foster intergenerational communication and understanding for Alzheimer’s.

Students who want to learn about how to help those with Alzheimer’s can:

  • Start an Alzheimer’s Foundation of America on Campus Chapter at their college or university.
  • Hold a fundraiser at their college or university.
  • Volunteer at a nearby care facility, adult day center, assisted living residence, nursing home by performing an activity or teaching a class, or help assemble care packages for Alzheimer’s caregivers or residents of care facilities.
  • AFA Teens’ was founded by a teenager and encourages teenagers across the USA to raise awareness of Alzheimer's disease and to engage other teenagers in the cause. The AFA Teens’ website provides an online community for teens, giving them support from Alzheimer’s experts and the opportunity to share experiences and connect with each other through a bulletin board and blog.

    AFA Teens aims to:

    • Raise Alzheimer’s awareness among teenagers and the general public
    • Provide Alzheimer’s education, counseling and support to young family members.
    • Allow teens to share feelings and experiences about Alzheimer’s with other teens and experts.
    • Refer teens and their family members to various programs and support services of the Alzheimer's Foundation of America and its member organizations.
    • Help support the mission and services of the Alzheimer's Foundation of America.

    AFA's annual video contest asks teens to create a two-minute video that illustrates a moment in which they learned something about Alzheimer's disease.

    Dementia Training and Dementia Advocacy
    Intergenerational Programs - Seniors Helping Youth
    Intergenerational Social Activities




    Find out more about the 'Alzheimer’s Foundation of America on Campus'

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