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WHATDementia awareness project by youth through the Scouts Association.
WHYTo encourage youth to make a difference and raise awareness of dementia and those affected by it.
WHEREA Million Hands.
Alzheimer’s Society.
Across the United Kingdom.

Program Description

“ ‘A Million Hands’ is a community impact campaign which reflects our ambition by 2018 to mobilize half a million people in support of four social issues chosen by young people. From dementia to those disabled by society, from improving the mental wellbeing and resilience of our communities to ensuring everyone, everywhere has access to clean water and sanitation.”

Each scout troop can download an excellent resource pack which provides instructions, guidelines and activities of how to increase awareness of dementia.

The dementia resource pack includes information on:

  • Understanding what dementia is, how it can affect someone and what actions can be taken help support people affected by dementia
  • How to organize a dementia friendly event or film for the community
  • How to hold an event at a care home
  • Inviting local community leaders

Scouts participate in activities to support those with dementia such as:

  • Attend memory cafes
  • Perform music
  • Visit care homes to engage those with dementia in reminiscence activities such as memory boxes
  • Awareness-raising stalls
  • Sensory gardens
  • Reading newspapers and playing games with those with dementia
  • Treasure hunts
  • Geotagging
  • Arts-and-crafts
  • Drama activities

In addition to raising awareness of dementia the program aims to help promote dementia-friendly communities.

A Million Hands encourages young people to take social action on issues that they care about.




Find Out More about A Million Hands

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