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WHATA Meals On Wheels campaign to end senior hunger and food insecurity.
WHYThe number of elderly who are experiencing hunger and malnutrition is on the rise. Healthy eating is critical for older people to remain independent, maintain their quality of life, and reduce the risk of developing chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, respiratory diseases and some cancers.
WHEREMeals On Wheels Association of America.
Across the USA.

Program Description

"In 2025, an estimated 9.5 million senior Americans will experience some form of food insecurity, about 75 percent higher than the number in 2005."

"Food insecure older adults consume fewer calories and key nutrients needed to maintain health than those who are food secure. They consume less protein, iron, magnesium and vitamins C, A, B-6 and thiamin. As a result, that may lead to low muscle mass (thus increasing risk of falls, limited mobility, increased fatigue), less resistance, poorer wound healing, impaired cognitive functioning, and hypertension.

Through the Meals On Wheels Pledge To End Senior Hunger Program volunteers pledge to commit to helping the Meals On Wheels Association of America end senior hunger. The pledge may include volunteering for a local Meals On Wheels program, increasing awareness about the problem of senior hunger in America, making a donation to help with senior meals, sharing a story, or providing ideas about how to end senior hunger.

One of the health consequences of senior hunger that seniors are more likely to have lower intakes of vitamins, to be in poor health and to have limitations in activities of daily living.

Meals On Wheels asks volunteer to help end senior hunger in the following capacities:

-Delivery Drivers and Runners to make home delivery of hot meals for seniors.

-Special Events to plan and organize fundraisers.

-Office and Administrative help to organize meal preparation and delivery .

-Meal Preparation and Packaging in the kitchen.

-Checkā€“In Phone Calls to Seniors - in some cases volunteers can volunteer from home according to their schedule.

-Senior Center Aides serving meals at a central location such as a senior center where seniors can eat together.

-Donate to end senior hunger by pledging a dollar amount that will go directly to buy a specific number of meals for seniors.

The Meals On Wheels Association of America is the oldest and largest national organization composed of and representing local, community-based Senior Nutrition Programs in all 50 U.S. states, as well as the U.S. Territories. These local programs are our MOWAA Members.

Senior Hunger Programs

AARP Drive to End Senior Hunger Program
- AARP campaign to increase awareness on the issue of senior hunger with the aim to help end hunger among older adults in the United States. To end senior hunger by looking for long-term solutions by partnering with corporations, researchers and non-profits. and to help seniors apply for eligible benefits such as the Federal government's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP.) Across the USA.

Comfort Keepers STOP Senior Hunger Campaign Program - Educating seniors, their caregivers and families to watch for signs of elderly malnutrition and senior hunger. Across the USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore.




Find out more about the Meals on Wheels Pledge to End Senior Hunger Program

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