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WHATElder Economic Security Initiative is a national campaign that responds to the economic uncertainty and challenges facing seniors in America.
WHYSo that low and moderate income seniors and seniors living in poverty can age in place economic certainty and dignity.
WHEREWider Opportunities for Women.
California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin, USA.

Program Description

"A large and growing senior population faces a future of economic uncertainty. Too many who want to live independently with dignity lack the income, health or mobility to do so."

"Wider Opportunities for Women's research demonstrates that just 48% of elder-only households have incomes that cover basic expenses such as housing and medical care. Those now approaching retirement age are even less prepared for retirement than current retirees are and could have, on average, a lower standard of living once they stop working -assuming they are able to fully retire."

Low and moderate-income seniors are more vulnerable to living in poverty due to the economic downturn and recession which has reduced assets along with rising costs.

The Elder Economic Security Initiative:

  • Reaches out to low and moderate income seniors and seniors living in poverty who need financial help.
  • Educates planners, policymakers and program administrators regarding the finances of older adults.
  • Advocates for better training and employment for older workers.
  • Advocates for public support to improve elder economic security.
  • Offers policies and programs to build economic security for elders and their families.
  • Builds partnerships and coalitions to raise the voice of seniors.
  • Conducts research.

The Elder Economic Security Standard Index (Elder Index) is a research based tool put together with the help of the University Of Massachusetts Boston Gerontology Institute.

The Elder Index is used to measure the income that older adults will require to maintain their independence in the community and meet their daily costs of living, without public or private assistance, based on location, affordable housing and health care.

The Gerontology Institute aims to address social and economic issues related to the aging population through research, policy, education and engaging seniors.
source:, The National Economic Security Standard Index Gerontology Institute, University of Massachusetts Boston

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