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WHATThe Elder Abuse Prevention Unit and the Elder Abuse Helpline responds to elder abuse of older people in Queensland.
WHY The Elder Abuse Prevention Unit promotes the right of older people to live free from abuse.
WHEREUnitingCare Community. Department of Communities. Australia.

Program Description

"26, 000 older Queenslanders are abused each year by someone
they know and trust."

The Elder Abuse Prevention Unit provides elder abuse prevention training and awareness through:

  • Free information and awareness sessions for seniors groups throughout Queensland.
  • Free training for elder service providers working with people who live in the community.
  • Rural and remote services to those interested in elder abuse prevention training.

The website contains important elder abuse prevention resources such as fact sheets on:

  • What is Elder Abuse?
  • Prevention - How to protect yourself
  • Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities
  • Financial Abuse of Older People
  • Psychological Abuse of Older People
  • Social Abuse and Neglect
  • Physical and Sexual Abuse of Older People
  • Risk Factors Associated with Elder Abuse
  • Assets for Care - an online guide for lawyers to assist elderly at risk of financial abuse. It includes information on financial abuse, the lawyer’s role, capacity, prevention, relationship break downs, substitute decision-making and family agreements.
  • Elder Abuse Toolkit - the online elder abuse toolkit is suitable for anyone working with older people and contains easy-to-use information on preventing, identifying and responding to elder abuse.  
  • Care for Your Assets - A guide for people considering moving in with family as they get older. Care for Your Assets: Money, Ageing & Family will help older people plan and secure their future interests. It covers topics such as making a family agreement, Centrelink and taxation implications and where to go for more information and advice.
  • Plan for Your Safety Help Sheet for Older People – an elder abuse safety plan is a plan of action covering what seniors can do to protect themselves if faced with an abusive situation. It includes who to contact for help and what to take if an elderly person has to leave in a hurry, what to pack in an emergency bag such as medications, important paperwork, keys, clothing etc., and an escape route out of the house.
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