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WHATAnnual tea fundraising events for individuals, nursing homes or corporations to organize so that they can raise money for Dementia UK Programs.
WHY To increase awareness and advocate for support of Alzheimer's and other dementia research and fundraising.
WHEREDementia UK.
United Kingdom.

Program Description

"By the time you’ve boiled your kettle, another person will have developed dementia."

"We need you to make, bake and brew to raise vital funds for families facing dementia."

Time for a Cuppa Dementia Fundraising Program is not only a fundraising event but an opportunity for everyone affected by dementia to break down barriers, and increase awareness of dementia.

Annual tea fundraising events are organized by volunteer individuals, nursing homes or corporations to raise money for Dementia UK Programs.

The Dementia UK website provides helpful tools to hold a successful fundraising event such as templates for posters, social media invites, labels, information sheets, a fundraising pack and more.

Fundraising efforts will go to support the following Dementia UK’ s programs:

Admiral Nursing DIRECT Program - allows an Admiral Nurse who is a specialist dementia nurse to provide practical and emotional support to families affected by dementia either in home or though the Nursing DIRECT Hotline

Dementia UK Training Program  - dementia training for professionals working with those with Alzheimer’s or other dementia

Dementia UK Uniting Carers Program
- caregivers of those with Alzheimer's and other dementia share their stories and in the process raise awareness and increase people's understanding of dementia.

Dementia Helpline - access to a dementia specialist who can provide information, advice and support.

Find out more about the Time for a Cuppa Dementia Fundraising Program

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