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WHATTo increase the quality of life of those with dementia by taking steps to improve health and care for those with dementia, creating dementia friendly communities, and improving dementia research.
WHYThe dementia challenge aims to make a real difference to the lives of people with dementia and their families and carers by taking the issue head on with public support.
WHEREThe Dementia Challenge. Initiated by Prime Minister David Cameron.
Department of Health.
National Health Service NHS. United Kingdom.

Program Description

"One of the greatest challenges of our time is what I'd call the quiet crisis, one that steals lives and tears at the hearts of families, but that relative to its impact is hardly acknowledged. We've got to treat this like the national crisis it is.
We need an all-out fight-back against this disease; one that cuts across society."
- Prime Minister David Cameron

The dementia challenge is based on progress made through the National Dementia Strategy.

The Dementia Challenge focuses on three areas for dementia related action:

  • Improvements in health and care - to drive improvements in the way people with dementia are diagnosed, treated and cared for.
  • Creating dementia friendly communities – the program works with the Alzheimer’s Society and the Dementia Action Alliance to get evidence from people with dementia and carers about what would make it possible for them to live better in their community. The program also aims to increase awareness of dementia by educating the public, and to create local Dementia Action Alliances across the country to bring people and organizations together.
  • Improving dementia research - a group including some of the country’s leading dementia scientists building on previous work of the Ministerial Advisory Group on Dementia Research (MAGDR).

The National Dementia Strategy is committed to:

  • Improving public and professional awareness and understanding of dementia.
  • Good-quality early diagnosis and intervention for all.
  • Good-quality information for those with diagnosed dementia and their carers.
  • Easy access to care, support and advice following diagnosis.
  • Peer support and learning networks.
  • Improved community personal support services.
  • Implementing the Carers
  • Improved quality of care for people with dementia in general hospitals.
  • Improved intermediate care for people with dementia.
  • Considering the potential for housing support, housing-related services and telecare
  • Living well with dementia in care homes.
  • Improved end of life care for people with dementia
  • Informed and effective workforce for people with dementia.
  • A joint commissioning strategy for dementia.
  • Improved assessment and regulation of health and care services
  • A clear picture of research evidence and needs.
  • Effective national and regional support for implementation of the Strategy.


Dementia Assistance and Activities
Dementia Training and Dementia Advocacy




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