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WHATThe Alzheimer's Show is an annual exhibition and conference held over two days providing the latest information, research, resources and support on Alzheimer's for family carers, professionals who work with those who have Alzheimer's such as physicians, nurses, social workers, researchers, home care workers and the general public.
WHYTo provide products, services, information, practical help and solutions for those with Alzheimer's, their carers, and professionals working with those with Alzheimer's. The Alzheimer's Show.
WHEREThe Alzheimer's Show. Alzheimer's Research UK. Alzheimer's' Society.
United Kingdom.

Program Description

"The inaugural Alzheimer's Show was an important event, attracting thousands of people living with dementia, their loved ones and carers, plus a huge professional audience. The great success of the first year reveals that The Alzheimer's Show is necessary and timely."

source:Rebecca Wood, Chief Executive of Alzheimer's Research UK.

"The Alzheimer's Show is the UK's only event dedicated to the community of carers and professionals who live and work with dementia on a daily basis. If you care for someone with dementia a visit to The Alzheimer's Show will provide direct access to the latest information, advice and the best products and services to help those living with dementia."

The Alzheimer’s exhibition and conference will feature:

  • Alzheimer’s talks from leaders in the field on key topics of interest for carers, relatives and professionals and ‘Question Time’ sessions. Topics may include early on-set, how to manage Alzheimer’s behavior, practical solutions, nutrition, research, drugs and treatments, legal information and more.
  • A platform for individuals to give a personal perspective into caring for a person with dementia and discuss issues.
  • Presentations from exhibitors for the latest innovations and products for those living with dementia such as Alzheimer’s safety medical alerts, motion activated sensors, reminders for medication and much more.
  • Interactive Practical Workshops
  • Admiral Nurses 1-2-1 Clinics - free 25 minute confidential sessions with an Admiral Nurse, (health nurses specializing in dementia.)
  • Quiet Room - for those needing time away from a busy exhibition floor.
  • Media Centre.

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