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WHATPeople with dementia are paired with volunteer students, families, caregivers, and nursing facilities to create art.
WHYThe program provides people with Alzheimer’s or other dementia opportunities for creative, free self-expression and social engagement.
WHEREOpening Mind through Art. Founder - Dr. Elizabeth (Like) Lokon.
Scripps Gerontology Center. Miami University.
Ohio, USA.

Program Description

“People with intact cognitions often times try to free ourselves from the limitation of having to draw this thing that looks like that you know... and when you are free from that you can then break into the abstract world more directly.

"So when the ability to express impaired they think the content is gone and that’s where the violation of human rights come in, because the human is still there it’s just that they are locked behind the disease. It doesn’t mean that there isn’t somebody in there that’s trying to express and so art is sort of a channel when logical thinking and verbal expression is impaired art is still there for them to express.”

-Video OMA - Dr. Elizabeth (Like) Lokon

“Being able to still have choice, autonomy and agency in what they do.”
“I feel like it’s important to them to have something joyful to do.”


Art projects are completed by people with Alzheimer’s or other dementia and volunteers.

Volunteers and nursing homes have seen a great sense of pride and accomplishment in participant’s finished work.

The Opening Minds through Art program focuses on people with Alzheimer’s or other dementia creating art through imagination instead of memory and on emphasizing remaining strengths instead of lost skills.

Volunteer family members or caregivers often learn from their experience in the program and see people with Alzheimer’s or other dementia in a different light.

Aging Programs
Dementia Assistance and Activities
Alzheimer's & Dementia Caregivers






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