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WHAT A memory program providing ipods and related digital audio systems as a form of music therapy. Elderly with memory loss, Alzheimer's disease, and other forms of dementia can benefit from music in their own homes or at nursing facilities.
WHYTo help provide assistance, education and access to personalized music therapy for those with memory loss, Alzheimer's disease, and other forms of dementia. To help music therapy and the resulting emotional benefits to become a standard of care in the health care industry.
WHEREMusic & Memory.
The Institute for Music & Neurologic Function.
Dan Cohen M.S.W. - Founder.
Across the U.S.A.

Program Description

"Despite the enormous sums of money spent on mood- and behavior-altering medications that are often not particularly effective, nothing compares to these iPods when it comes to improving quality of life.”
-Tony Lewis, President and CEO, Cobble Hill Health Care, Brooklyn, New York.

"…then he is given an ipod containing (we know) his favorite music and immediately he lights up, his face assumes expression, his eyes open wide, he starts to sing, to rock and move his arms, and he is being animated by the music."

-Neurologist Dr. Oliver Sacks - The Documentary, "Alive Inside"

Training for the Music & Memory Program includes live webinars for caregivers on establishing an iTunes library, sharing songs legally, setting up personalized playlists, how to integrate personalized digital music into daily care plans, and evaluating the program’s effectiveness.

The program has seen the following benefits from providing personalized music for older adults:

  • Participants are happier and more social.
  • Relationships among staff, participants and family deepen.
  • Everyone benefits from a calmer, more supportive social environment.
  • Staff regain valuable time previously lost to behavior management issues.
  • There is growing evidence that a personalized music program gives professionals one more tool in their effort to reduce reliance on anti-psychotic medications.

The following How-to Guides are available from the Music & Memory Program:

-How to start an In-Home Ipod Program - guide for setting up an iPod for music therapy for an elderly person who lives with you.
-How to start an Ipod Program for Seniors Living Independently - guide for setting up an iPod for music therapy for an elderly person who lives independently.
-How to start an Ipod Program for Nursing Care Facilities - guide, advice, and resources for setting up an iPod for music therapy for someone an elderly person in a nursing care facility.

The Well Tuned Program helps individuals and facilities who are helping those with memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease, other forms of dementia, Parkinson’s disease and depression or anxiety through personalized music therapy. Through the program Licensed music therapists and other specialists at the Institute for Music & Neurologic Function create customized playlists for the elderly with memory loss. Playlists are loaded onto MP3 players or iPods so the elderly can listen to music in the hopes of improving their overall health and well-being. Research has shown music therapy results in the elderly displaying a less agitated and overall better mood.

iPod Donation are accepted by the Music & Memory Program. Donations of new or used ipods will be used to help elderly with memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease, other forms of dementia. Ipod donations are tax deductible.

A documentary entitled Alive Inside has been made based on the POD Music and Memory Program

Music & Memory is also using other devices and programs such as ipads, Pandora music and other apps and forms of media to engage elderly with memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease, other forms of dementia.

To find out what you can do to help get ipods into the hands of those with dementia such as hosting an ipod donation drive, donating itunes gift cards, becoming an ambassador and more visit the volunteer page of Music and Memory

Memory Programs
Dementia, Alzheimer's Caregivers Programs
Dementia Assistance and Activities
Dementia Training and Dementia Advocacy
Dementia, Alzheimer's Documentaries



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