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WHATA hands-on dementia awareness and sensitivity training.
WHYTo simulate some of sensory loss experienced by those with dementia and so that participants may better understand in part what it may feel like to live with dementia on a daily basis.
WHEREDementia Live. AGE-u-cate Training Institute.
Founder - Pam Brandon.
USA, Australia.

Program Description

"Like our flagship programs Dementia Live and Compassionate Touch, all our programs promise to deliver easy-to-learn, feasible solutions to create culture change within our client organizations."

Dementia Live simulation training is suitable for those attending conferences and trade shows, along with those in Long Term Care, Hospice, Homecare, Nursing, Social Work, Hospital, EMS, Retail, Travel, Dementia and Age Friendly Organizations, Elder Law, Financial Planners, Insurance Professionals and others who works with older adults.

Dementia Live training takes participants through the stages of:

-Preparation for modified sensory abilities - putting on dark glasses and plastic gloves and other equipment.
-Experience Room – where participants are asked to complete tasks such as open items.
-Empowerment Session – follow up discussion and suggestions for how to better care for those with dementia.

The AGE-u-cate Training Institute also conducts dementia training through the Flashback Program where photos of items, people, places, and experiences from the past are shown to those with dementia in the hopes of triggering senses, memories and emotions.

Aging Programs
Dementia Assistance and Activities Programs
Dementia Training and Dementia Advocacy Programs




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