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WHATThe largest trade show event in the UK for the care sector including, care business owners, care professionals, health care suppliers, care managers and others.
WHYTo provide those in the care business with a connection to exhibitors featuring the latest information, education, products, services and technology in the care industry.
WHERECare England.
National Activity Providers Association. (NAPA)
Care Management Matters. Birmingham, England.

Program Description

“Care & Dementia Show will bring you inspiration, innovation and ideas to assist you in running your care business. You'll learn more in two days at Care & Dementia Show than you would in months from your office.
It can often feel like you're too busy to take time out, but spending even one day with us will help you to save time through efficiencies in the future.”

The Care & Dementia Show helps those in the caregiver business by allowing them to:

  • Source new products and innovations from 250+ leading healthcare suppliers.
  • Gain insight into catering for older people and earn CPD points in the accredited education program.
  • Connect with people outside of your organization and share your experience.
Aging Programs
Dementia Assistance and Activities
Alzheimer's & Dementia Caregiver




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