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WHATBikeAround consists of a stationary bicycle placed in front of a large dome shaped projector screen displaying real life, moving locations using google maps.
WHYTo provide older adults, those with disabilities, or Alzheimer’s and other dementias the opportunity to simulate a real life travel experience to a place from their past or to new locations around the world.
WHEREFounder Anne-Christine Hertz. Camanio Care.
Based in Sweden.
Available in locations across Europe, Asia and USA.

Program Description

“Patients input a street address of a place that means something to them - a childhood home for instance - and then use the pedals and handlebars to 'bike around' their old neighborhoods.”  

“…by combining mental stimulation from surrounding the patient with places they recognize, and physical stimulation from pedaling and steering.
Scientists think this pairing produces dopamine in the brain and has the potential to affect memory management in a profound way.”


BikeAround can be used for exercise, rehabilitation, triggering reminiscence and providing sensory stimulation.

Older adults can sit or ride the bicycle while experiencing meaningful locations where the most number of memories may be located, such as an old neighborhood, where they were married, other memorable locations or travel to a new place.

BikeAround is meant to be used with the help of another person which can allow older adults to feel secure while navigating different street views and landscapes.

The activity provides an opportunity for seniors to have meaningful conversation and exchange while providing mobility exercises simulating a real-life experience.,

Aging Programs
Dementia Assistance and Activities Programs
Memory Programs




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