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WHATA non-invasive, drug free dementia intervention, brain fitness program for those with Alzheimer's and other dementia that uses a mix of person-centered activities with individualized "pen and paper booklet" formatted cognitive exercises.
WHYTo improve the quality of life for individuals with Alzheimer's disease and their families and caregivers.
WHEREAlzheimer's Innovation Institute. Founded by Dr. Mira Ashby. (Recipient of the Order of Canada in 1984 for work on brain injury rehabilitation.) Alzheimer's Australia WA. U.S.A, Canada, U.K. and Australia.

Program Description

"The Ashby Memory Method is a therapeutic program for anyone already experiencing memory loss wanting to actively fight the decline associated with Alzheimer's and dementia. Because it is a completely non-invasive drug free program, there are none of the often dangerous side effects associated with taking additional medications."

The "Ashby Memory Method" Program is appropriate for:

-Persons diagnosed with early to mid-stage Alzheimer's disease
-Patients with MCI (minimal cognitive impairment)
-Victims of stroke or brain trauma.
-Individuals with other types of dementia

The memory program can be used as a stand alone drug-free dementia treatment program or in combination with prescribed medications and can:

-Promote connections between an individual with dementia and important family, community, residential and other social relationships
-Reduce burden and stress on family members and dementia caregivers
-Improve overall symptoms of agitation and restlessness in those with dementia

Those with dementia participate in activities, which include:

-Errorless Learning - builds participant self confidence, esteem
-Visual Imagery - photographs & pictures stimulate visual recognition
-Support at Retrieval - reduces or eliminates participant stress
-Dyadic Approach - inclusive team approach to program delivery
-Spaced Retrieval - facilitates challenge of different aspects of cognition
-Encoding Specificity - person centered program materials help maintain interest and focus
-Combining word exercises
-Visual stimulation
-Errorless learning
-Activities to stimulate all 5 senses
-Targeted Response
-Tactile Stimulation
-Scent Recognition
-Decision Tree

During dementia related studies, evaluations and from use of the "Ashby Memory Method" memory program by dementia participants worldwide, the program was shown to:

-Increase the self confidence and esteem of those with dementia
-Improved social interaction between individuals with dementia and their family and community
-Increased awareness of self
-Increased enjoyment of activities and positive mood response to surroundings and living environment
-The "Ashby Memory Method" also may reduce the need for psychotropic medications in dementia care management

Dementia training on the "Ashby Memory Method" Program is available for health care providers and is appropriate for facilitators such as: Alzheimer's Organizations, Retirement Villages, Assisted Living Facilities, Care Provider organizations, Medical Facilities (Clinics) Independent Living Centers, Senior's Non-Profit Groups, Private Practice Therapists, Geriatric Care Centers, Family Carers.

Dementia training for organizations or individuals includes:

-Dementia teaching Package
-Participant dementia screening & testing materials
-First 8 Weeks participant packages
-Email & phone program supports
-Monthly dementia tips & program update
-Password protected individual on-line training and resources access
-Companion workbook for online training
-Ashby Memory Method website listing & new participant referrals
-Facilitator Certification & Identification (upon registration)
-Train the trainer dementia educational program
-Instruction manual & getting started member resources

The "Ashby Memory Method" is facilitated either one on one or in a group setting format with dementia participants approximately one hour twice a week.

The aim of the Alzheimer's Innovation Institute is to research and develop therapeutic cognitive stimulation methods to improve quality of life and functioning for persons affected by Alzheimer's disease and dementia.




Find out more about the "Ashby Memory Method" Program

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