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WHATAims to increase Alzheimer's awareness to government leaders and health policymakers and reduce the burden of Alzheimer's disease at a global level.
WHYTo provide an initiative, which helps support global plans to find a cure for Alzheimer's disease.
WHEREThe Alzheimer's Global Initiative.

Program Description

"Our program is designed to help bring together public health professionals, government officials and Alzheimer's disease advocates from all over the globe. We are committed to eliminating Alzheimer's disease and its life-threatening condition for generations to come."

Donations to The Alzheimer’s Global Initiative are used to fund Alzheimer’s research, advocacy, and caring and supporting those in need.

The website has several pages of information and resources such asĀ  Alzheimer's:

Warning Signs
Risk Factors
Communication Techniques
Behavioral Challenges
Medical Visits


Aging Programs
Dementia Assistance and Activities
Dementia Training and Dementia Advocacy

Find out more about ‘The Alzheimer’s Global Initiative’

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