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WHATThe center offers support for dementia caregivers in the form of educational resources along with spiritual comfort and emotional support so that caregivers can care for loved ones with dementia and themselves.
WHYTo provide a comprehensive learning and support and research center for Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.
WHEREAlzheimer's & Dementia Resource Center.
Florida, USA.

Program Description

The ‘Alzheimer’s & Dementia Resource Center’ publishes a useful guide, ‘Caring for Someone with Dementia.’ The information and resource guide is to help support family and/or professional caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias.

The guide contains information about dementia, communication tips, handling difficult behaviors, driving challenges, in-home and facility care options and more. 

The ‘Alzheimer’s & Dementia Resource Center’ offers the following dementia support services:

Local Referral Information
- to adult day care programs, assisted living facilities and skilled nursing facilities with dementia units and other resources.
Educational Counseling - guidance about the disease, the needs of caregiver and family members, assistance with establishing goals and action plans for dementia patient care and help with developing coping skills.
Home Caregiver Resource Guide
Support Groups
Caregiver Workshops

Annual Caregiver Educational Conference (contact for program costs)
Professional Training

The Alzheimer’s & Dementia Resource Center helps coordinate the ‘State of Florida Brain Bank Research Program’ which is a tissue donation and research initiative to help find a cure for Alzheimer’s and other dementias. The organization helps coordinate tissue donations in twenty counties for scientific research, to help find better drugs to treat Alzheimer’s and Dementia, to create better diagnostic tools, and to find a cure.

The ‘Brain Bank Program’ is administered by Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach and the Florida Department of Elder Affairs




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