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WHATA dementia awareness and information campaign.
WHYTo involve communities in improving the lives of those with dementia and their families.
WHEREUnderstand Together.
State and The Atlantic Philanthropies.
HSE's Health and Wellbeing Division.

Program Description

“Through Understand Together we aim to weave a connecting thread through all the vital and committed local services that are already in place in Ireland. We want to make them easier to find and understand.”

“Throughout Ireland change is happening. People are taking action to create communities where people with dementia and their families are respected, supported and connected.”

Understand Together aims to inspire communities, individuals, businesses and organizations to think about new and better ways to support those living with dementia and their families. 

The Understand Together campaign aims to:

  • Increase awareness of dementia and its impact on individuals, families and communities through advertising and media.
  • Help communicate the lived experience of people living with dementia and those caring for them.
  • Provide reliable information and support services for dementia.
  • Build on greater co-ordination of dementia programs and initiatives across Ireland.
  • Promote dementia awareness training, information about brain health and ways to prevent dementia.
  • Create inclusive and supportive environments for people with dementia and their loved ones.
  • Highlight the actions of those supporting people with dementia and their loved ones.

Communities can volunteer and help those with dementia and their families by:

  • Becoming dementia aware through training and supports.
  • Supporting those with dementia to stay socially connected in available groups and clubs.
  • Consider how businesses and services accommodates customers with dementia addressing business lay-out, lighting, seating, noise and other factors.

The website has helpful information on dementia such as:

Dementia Friendly Language.
Dementia Training for Businesses and Services.
Dementia Support Services.
Dementia Legal and Financial Concerns.
Dementia Explained for Children


Dementia Assistance and Activities
Dementia, Alzheimer's Caregivers Programs
Memory Recall and Mind Fitness Programs
Dementia and Arts Programs
Dementia Documentaries




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