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WHATThe Dementia-Friendly Environment Project and the Dementia-Inclusive Streets and Community Access, Participation and Engagement Project aim to inform city planners and service providers on how to better design spaces to keep people with dementia independent and mobile, reduce anxiety and have a better quality of life.
WHYTo improve how people living with dementia, and their care partners, access and connect to their communities.
WHEREDementia-Friendly Environment Project.
Dr. Lillian Hung - Assistant Professor.
University of British Columbia School of Nursing.
Funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada.
British Columbia, Canada.

Program Description

People living with dementia and their care partners will provide input on challenges they face in their neighborhoods which will help guide researchers and provide a better understanding of needs.

The Dementia-Friendly Environment Project aims to:

  • Identify different needs of people living with dementia through interviews.
  • Create a planning and design guide for urban planners and engineers to help them be more inclusive of people.
  • Raise public awareness through conversations and workshops.

In addition to creating dementia friendly neighborhoods and communities, The IDEA Lab has created and designated service robots for staff and residents working and living in care homes to support independence, and safety. Social robots with artificial intelligence and sensor technologies have been also been developed and tested to determine whether they improve the quality of life for persons with dementia.

The IDEA Lab works to foster innovation in dementia and aging research through projects and collaborative research.

Dementia Assistance and Activities
Dementia, Alzheimer's Caregivers Programs
Memory Recall and Mind Fitness Programs
Dementia and Arts Programs
Dementia Documentaries




Find out more about the Dementia-Friendly Environment Project

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