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WHATPeople with Dementia are given mobile handsets which can be clicked at anytime to record their thoughts in the form an audio diary entry. Diary entries are then automatically uploaded to the internet and the Dementia Diaries website.
WHYTo encourage discussion around the various experiences of dementia and to dispel the many dementia myths.
WHEREDementia Engagement and Empowerment Project (DEEP). On Our Radar.
Innovations in Dementia.
Comic Relief.
United Kingdom.

Program Description

"Each of our audio diaries is a personal record of our journey with dementia.
You can listen to our voices and read the transcript. The thoughts and experiences shared here chart the frustrations and opportunities that arise from living with the many different forms of dementia that we have between us. They are shared with you in the hope that our honesty will help to inform the way you engage with those living with the condition – as friends, family, service providers and decision-makers. These are our diaries. Thank you for listening.”

“Hi its Melvin here, I’m down in my shed doing my exercises. It’s a fantastic morning a lovely sunny morning. I’m speaking from dementia, as a person with dementia. I’ve had times when I haven’t got any energy and it’s a problem. I’d just like to say, please carry on regardless of all the obstacles, and on that occasion when you have a good day, then make the most of it!”

“Yesterday was absolutely diabolical. I felt very on the edge of tears all day. This morning I was determined to get to grips with myself.”

Source: Dementia Diarists,

Dementia Diaries is a series of audio diaries sharing and documenting the day-to-day lives of people living with dementia.

Participants record their thoughts wherever they are through a handheld device. The automatic upload then reaches the editing team who listen, transcribe and post it.

Various topics recorded by Dementia Diarists include:

-Dementia Care and Support
-Daily Challenges of Living with Dementia
-Living Well with Dementia
-Public Perceptions about Dementia
-Friends and Family of those Living with Dementia

The organization On Our Radar works with a wide range of marginalized groups.

Aging Programs
Dementia Assistance and Activities Programs




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