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WHATAlzheimer's Disease International is the global voice on dementia and works by empowering Alzheimer's associations around the world to help people with dementia and dementia caregivers.
The organization also works internationally to increase awareness of dementia, reduce the stigma associated with dementia, and conducts research, training and advocates on behalf of those with dementia to effect government policies.
WHYTo support people with dementia, their carers and families so that people with dementia can live with an increased quality of life throughout the world.
WHEREAlzheimer's Disease International (ADI)
The International Federation of Alzheimer Associations.
World Health Organization. Based in the United Kingdom. International.

Program Description

"The world's population is aging.
There are an estimated 35.6 million people in the world with dementia, and this number is expected to increase to 65.7 million in 2030 and 115.4 million in 2050."

Alzheimer's Disease International is involved in the following dementia care resources:

The World Alzheimer Report: Overcoming the Stigma of Dementia - a global survey conducted with people with dementia and their caregivers on their personal experiences with dementia and stigma providing recommendations to help reduce stigma.

Alzheimer University - workshops to help staff and volunteers of Alzheimer associations to build and strengthen their organizations by providing fundraising and information on how to best manage their associations and how to influence public policy on dementia related issues.

Annual International Dementia Conference - a multi-disciplinary event uniting people with an interest in dementia from around the world.

World Alzheimer's Month - celebrated each year on September 21, the day is an opportunity to increase global awareness about dementia and highlight many important dementia programs around the world.

*Families of those living with dementia often do not understand what is happening to their affected relatives. Often they think that this is a normal part of ageing, and so do not seek help.

Alzheimer's Disease International is also involved
in the following dementia careprograms:

Helping Carers to Care Dementia Caregiving Training -A dementia carer handbook put together by a group of international dementia experts. The caregiver handbook provides the carer and family members with information such as a basic education about what dementia is, how to cope with dementia, and training on how to manage dementia related behaviors.
United Kingdom.

I CAN! I WILL! Project - The 'I CAN! I WILL!' project by Alzheimer's Disease International collects hundreds of personal stories and ideas from persons living with dementia, dementia caregivers, medical professionals and Alzheimer's associations in a very unique and interactive online library.
United Kingdom.

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