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WHATA dementia carer handbook put together by a group of international dementia experts. The caregiver handbook provides the carer and family members with information such as a basic education about what dementia is, how to cope with dementia, and training on how to manage dementia related behaviors.
WHYTo provide caregiver training to carers and family members so that they can better handle the task of caring for individuals with dementia.
WHEREAlzheimer's Disease International. (ADI)
The International Federation of Alzheimer Associations.
World Health Organization. Based in the United Kingdom. International.

Program Description

Community health workers are trained in the Alzheimer's Disease International 'Helping Carers to Care' dementia training program who then work with families in the following areas:

-Dementia counseling.
-How to identify resources and problems experienced by the individual with dementia, their carer and their family.
-Educate family members about what dementia is its causes, what it looks like, and possible treatment.
-Educate family members of an individual with dementia about caregiving strategies and how to better manage troublesome dementia symptoms.
-How families can work together as a united dementia caregiving unit.

More Dementia Caregiver Programs

Find out more about Alzheimer's Disease International's 'Helping Carers to Care: Dementia Caregiving Training'

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