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WHAT Promoting healthy living and disease prevention to African American elders through education on nutrition, physical activity, early detection and screening.
WHYTo increase awareness of health issues to African American seniors and to encourage personal responsibility for their health and well being.
WHERENational Caucus & Center on Black Aged Health and Wellness Program.
Washington, D.C. U.S.A.

Program Description

“National Caucus and Center on Black Aged Health and Wellness” Program covers healthy living and disease prevention services to African American seniors on cancer (breast, cervical and prostrate); cardiovascular disease; hypertension; HIV/AIDS; substance abuse; medication usage; Alzheimer's Disease; nutrition; physical activity; access and barriers to services and care, and more.

The program provides public awareness, community health promotion campaigns for African American health, technical assistance, and training programs, brochures, videos, and newsletters to thousands of African American elders.

The aim of the "National Caucus & Center on Black Aged Health" is to foster optimum African American health through promoting an active lifestyle so that they are better able to fully enjoy life.


African American Elders Program- Identifies frail, isolated African American elderly and assists them in accessing health and social services

Alzheimer's Association - Multicultural Diverse Communities Outreach Program - Educational programs and supportive services to increase awareness of Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia in African-American/Black, Hispanic/Latino and Asian (Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese) communities

Stanford Geriatric Education Center Ethnogeriatric Program -Resource materials to educate health care professionals, researchers, and policy analysts on multicultural issues associated with aging and health

Serving Elders of Color Initiative Program -Training program for organizations to appreciate cultural differences in the development of any program geared towards the elderly

American Society on Aging - Network On Multicultural Aging Education Program
- Education and training for professionals on diversity and multicultural aging to be used in the development of institutions and programs

New Ventures Leadership Leaders of Color in the Field of Aging Program -2 month program that trains and encourages leadership potential of professionals of color and their critical role in the field of gerontology

Find out more about the "National Caucus and Center on Black Aged Health and Wellness" Program
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