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WHAT Training program for organizations to appreciate cultural differences and diversity in the development of any program geared towards serving older adults.
WHYTo respond to the needs of a multicultural society and a diverse population of older adults.
WHEREDiversity Programs and Special Projects American Society on Aging.
San Francisco,CA,USA.

Program Description

"The field of aging needs more leaders of color—and a modern, sustainable leadership program to support them."

"Older people are the most diverse segment of our population, with preferences, needs and assets shaped by lifetimes of experience…this makes the fight against discrimination and bigotry in all of its forms, including ageism, racism, ableism and heterosexism, all the more urgent."

"ASA is strengthening its commitment to weaving equity throughout our programs and organizational structure, elevating voices that have historically been underrepresented and suppressed, and inspiring members to take growing action toward inclusivity.”

The goal of the Serving Elders of Color Initiative Program is to bring about organizational and behavioral change for staff and leadership who work in a multicultural senior environment.

The program provides a model for facilitating multicultural work and service delivery.

A Diversity Assessment Handbook which evaluates six organizational function areas is used to gather baseline information about an organization's cultural competence.

Cultural competence is a standard for practice in all fields of health and human services focusing on cultural awareness, sensitivity, relevance and appropriateness in planning and service delivery.

The Serving Elders of Color Initiative Program has trainers available nationally and is available for in service trainings.

Find out more about the Serving Elders of Color Initiative Program

Senior Programs
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