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WHATThe University of Hong Kong Elder Academy supports senior learning and activities that encourage inter-generational engagement that will help elders, students and create a more elder-friendly Hong Kong.
WHYTo promote life-long learning for the elderly and involve students in valuable inter-generational exchanges.
WHEREThe University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong, China.

Program Description

By encouraging interaction between university students and elders, the University of Hong Kong hopes to add value to their students’ learning experience.

University of Hong Kong staff, students, and alumni organize inter-generational activities for youth and elders with the aim of serving the community and strengthening society.

The HKU Elder Academy provides educational opportunities for elders aged 60 and over.

Senior activities in the Elderly Academy include:

  • Non-credit courses
  • Learning projects
  • Learning camps
  • Field trips
  • Talks and seminars

Elder Academys in schools can have the following benefits:

  • Promote life-long learning- encouraging elders to make the best use of their time and to keep pace with the times through acquiring new knowledge and learning new skills.
  • To maintain healthy physical and mental well-being – through learning elders can identify new objectives in life and enhance their sense of achievement and self-confidence in dealing with the changes in daily life.
  • Realize the objective of fostering sense of worthiness in elders – by sharing their knowledge and demonstrating their creativity elders serve the community and continue to make contribution to our society.
  • Optimize existing resources -schools are equipped with the resources and basic facilities (such as students, teachers, alumni, retired teachers, parents' association, halls and special facilities such as computer room and library, etc.) required for learning programs. Elders may use resources after school hours and weekends and keep program costs to a minimum.
  • Promote intergenerational harmony and rapport.
  • Strengthen civic education – students will have the opportunity to offer volunteer services to elders on campus. This may in turn promote civic education and foster community spirit among the students.
  • Promote cross-sectoral harmony – among school stakeholders, NGO’s, elderly community and neighborhood elderly centers and the community.,
Aging Programs
Senior Activities
Life-Long Learning

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