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WHATA comprehensive program consisting of a large exhibition, artistic performances and art workshops. Seniors explore and unlock their creative side and pick up new skills.
WHYTo work with community partners on a large scale to integrate the arts into the lifestyle of seniors.
WHEREThe National Arts Council. Government of Singapore.

Program Description

"Silver Arts is a platform developed for seniors by seniors, and is helmed by seniors, artists and community organizations. The inaugural Silver Arts is a platform for seniors to surprise the public -and themselves- with their blooming artistic contributions, and to enjoy a myriad of inspired arts activities with their friends and families."

"They were actually making art but they don't even realize it. They always think I'm not good in drawing but they don't realize art could be in terms of communication, and interactive and fun. I would like to bring these areas into community projects."
–Artist Angie Seah source: video Silver Arts 2012

The program hosts the Silver Arts Exhibition a large event for seniors to create and display art through various mediums. The exhibition celebrates and showcases senior art.

Seniors engage with one another to create artistic projects.

Through the Silver Arts Program seniors are also empowered to share, lead and inspire each other
, providing additional opportunities. Through art seniors have an opportunity to express their individual creativity and make art collaboratively as a group.

The ‘Date Your Grandparents’ initiative aims to encourage grandchildren and their grandparents to strengthen intergenerational bonds through the arts.

Senior arts include:




Find out more about the 'Silver Arts Program'

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