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WHATSeniors take a rap, hip-hop class and perform in front of a live audience upon completion.
WHYTo encourage senior arts, creativity and confidence. To dispel some of the myths associated with rap to create and intergenerational bridge between seniors and the younger generation.
WHEREWatts Senior Community Center.
Instructor Keith Cross.
Los, Angeles, CA, USA.

Program Description

"Keith Cross Presents: Senior Citizen Rap Class is a month-long workshop in which senior citizens study the evolution of Hip-Hop by exploring the jazz, blues, and soul roots of Hip-Hop music. Hosted by independent hip-hop artist, Keith Cross, each student 'graduates' by showcasing his or her emcee skills as they perform an original piece during a live show..."


" 'For those who do come and do stay, it's not about the music,' Cross said. 'They come and do it because they care about young people . . . it's a means to help connect with the young people in their lives.' "
- source:articles.latimes.com

The senior rap, hip-hop class is held for one month. The class promotes a positive image of rap as an art form and provides a stimulating senior activity.

Seniors write and then perform original rap, hip-hop in front of an audience of family and friends.

The program is funded through an artist in resident grant from the Los Angeles City Department of Cultural Affairs.

Senior Theater and Senior Arts
Senior Activities

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