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WHATThe Senior Planet Exploration Center is a free center dedicated to holding technology workshops, seminars and group sessions for older adults.
WHYTo provide seniors with the technological skills to effectively access the Internet, engage in positive experiences thereby improving their overall quality of life. The center supports senior community engagement, employment and promotes life-long learning.
WHEREOlder Adults Technology Services. (OATS)
Senior Planet.
Founder - Tom Kamber.
New York, NY, USA.

Program Description

"The Senior Planet Exploration Center is the only technology themed community center for senior citizens anywhere in the United States."
Founder-Tom Kamber

"OATS – with support from the U.S. Department of Commerce and The City of New York – has built 23 new public computer centers in neighborhoods throughout the city. These new facilities contain a total of 300 state-of-the-art PCs, available for seniors to use free of charge."

"We teach a lot more than how to click the mouse: topics include researching health information online, accessing City services, workforce skills, staying safe online, and civic engagement. Over 80 percent of participants report feeling more connected to friends, family, and community."

The Senior Planet Exploration Center is located in Manhattan and hosts free computer and technology classes, workshops, programs, lectures and special events. Seniors can also engage in video games, talk to computer experts and play with new tech gadgets.

Classes cover topics such as basic computers, advanced computing, digital cameras and other devices along with workshops, programs, lectures, and special events.

The Senior Planet Exploration Center offers seniors in New York a modern, safe space to access technology, computer training, continue life-long learning, work and explore today’s digital world.

Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) operates more than twenty technology labs for seniors through partner sites throughout New York City in an effort to bring technology training to hard to reach senior communities.

Some computer classes for older adults include:

-Build Your Own Website
-iPad Basics
-Computer Basics for Older Adults
-Advanced Computing for Older Adults 
-Digital Photography
-Introduction to Social Networking

OATS intergenerational programs connect older adults with youth through technology.

Seniors can benefit in the following ways:

  • Increased confidence in the digital world.
  • Skills in Internet navigation, email, and blogging.
  • Decreased isolation.
  • Use of the Internet as a tool for greater independence.
  • Connection to the community.

Youth can benefit in the following ways:

  • Improved confidence.
  • Teaching experience.
  • Public speaking skills.
  • Better preparation for school and work.
  • Greater connection to community.

Schools, senior centers, community centers and community-based organizations may contact OATS in order to start an intergenerational computer program.

OATS also has an online blog called Senior Planet which aims to share information and resources that support aging and technology.

In order to address the issue of making broadband more accessible to underserved populations, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) held a workshop. OATS Executive Director Tom Kamber became the voice for seniors nationwide when he spoke of the success OATS has had teaching seniors how to use technology. OATS hopes to serve as a model for nationwide programs focused on increasing Internet usage among seniors.

Senior Activities
Life-Long Learning




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