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WHATBuilds computer labs and teaches computer and internet classes for older adults at senior centers, retirement communities and independent living.
WHYTo bridge the digital divide and ensure digital literacy for older adults.
WHERESenior Connects.
Daniel Kent – Founder.
Net Literacy.

Program Description

“There is a very large growing divide between those individuals who have computers and those who do not and those individuals who do not are becoming more and more at a disadvantage and its almost now a days becoming a disability.”
- Daniel Kent source: video Net Literacy & the Internet. Zeitgeist Young Minds.

“Friendly student volunteers ‘adopt’ seniors and help them cross the digital divide, while the seniors help teens cross the generational divide. Everyone learns together.”

Net Literacy’s Senior Connects Program supports young adults in teaching senior citizens computer and Internet skills by providing computers and resources.

Older adults are given the opportunity to access digital devices, feel more comfortable with learning digital skills and be more connected to friends, family and community. Volunteer students are able to practice leadership, teaching and facilitation skills. 
In addition to Senior Connects Net Literacy donates free refurbished computers and builds computer labs for public libraries, community centers, schools, and low-income individuals and families. 

Aging Programs
Senior Activities
Life-Long Learning










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