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WHATThe Senior Artists Initiative informs senior artists about how to preserve, archive, manage and credit their artwork.
WHYTo help make senior artists aware of the importance and benefit of organizing their work with respect to legal, estate tax, and inheritance issues.
WHERESenior Artists Initiative.
Founder - Anne Kaplan. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

Program Description

"The Senior Artists Initiative is a nonprofit organization that assists artists in understanding the need for and processes involved in organizing their life's work. We educate artists about the process of documenting and inventorying their work, legal issues pertaining to their art, estates, and artists rights."

The Senior Artists Initiative works to:

  • Increase the visibility of senior artists and their work.
  • Increase awareness as to why senior artists should organize their work.
  • Educate artists and others about art related estate issues.
  • Document and publish histories of recognized senior artists and their work.
  • Educate the public about the legacy of senior artists.

The Senior Artists Initiative produces
seminars, publications, and oral history videos of prominent senior artists.

The Senior Artists Initiative’s 'Inventory and Oral History Project' produces video interviews of established senior artists, which are available for online viewing. The project aims to help preserve the Philadelphia Region's artistic heritage.

Senior Theater and Senior Arts



Will Brown from Senior Artists Initiative on Vimeo.


Find out more about the Senior Artists Initiative

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