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WHATSenior classes for those over 50 who are interested in life-long learning with other seniors in an intellectually stimulating learning environment.
WHY Seniors can keep the mind active by engaging in intellectual stimulation, volunteering and enjoying a senior social outlet.
WHEREOsher Lifelong Learning Institute.
Bernard Osher Foundation.
At over 100 participating Universities and Colleges across the USA.

Program Description

"OLLI started as Senior College in 1997 at the University of Southern Maine. It began with a vision—a simple idea, really: to provide a stimulating program for older learners. Thanks to dedicated community and university leaders and volunteers, OLLI has now expanded into one of America's fastest growing and leading programs in lifelong learning."

"The Bernard Osher Foundation's Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes grant program provides support to institutions of higher education to develop and strengthen initiatives that offer intellectually stimulating, non-credit courses specifically designed for students 50 years of age or older who are interested in personal enrichment. Emphasis is placed on learning for the joy of learning and on keeping in touch with a larger world."

"OLLI’s mission is to provide its membership of dedicated lifelong learners with a year-round curriculum of high-quality noncredit courses, as well as intellectually stimulating social, cultural, and volunteer opportunities."

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute is operating in over 100 universities and colleges across the USA. (Locations listed below)

The focus at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute is simply on senior learning. The Institute offers seniors higher education without the details of course credit, tests, grades, or papers.

Classes are taught by peer instructors in the same 50+ age group.

Senior classes cover several areas in art, humanities, life skills, and current events.
Wide ranging topics are available for seniors to explore such as: global events, the arts, history, health science research, financial planning, global issues of the day and more.

In addition to the regular Osher Lifelong Learning Institute class schedule, seniors may be able to join study groups with other seniors who are interested in learning about similar topics.
Seniors can also learn through Lunch & Learn sessions which feature lectures from experts on a wide range of subjects.

Some Osher Lifelong Learning Institute locations offer scholarships for seniors over 50 years of age who cannot afford class tuition but who would like to participate in higher learning with other seniors.

Universities or colleges interested in learning how to start an Osher life-long learning program for seniors can do so by applying for a grant and adhering to the following general guidelines:

• The life long learning program should offer diverse, intellectually-stimulating senior classes, lectures, and other special events.
• Classes, and learning programs curriculum must be specifically developed for seniors.
• The academic institution must promote and support the life long learning program.
• The program must offer opportunities for volunteer leadership.
•Senior classes and leaning opportunities must occur in real-time not online or through distance learning.

The National Resource Center for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute is headquartered at the University of Southern Maine (USM) and serves as the national center for the current network of over one hundred lifelong learning institutes throughout the USA.

The Bernard Osher Foundation is a 31-year-old philanthropic organization headquartered in San Francisco and supports higher education and the arts. The Foundation supports a growing national network of lifelong learning institutes for seniors located at colleges and universities across the USA from Maine to Hawaii and Alaska. Locations for senior learning include:

Aquinas College*
Auburn University*
American University*
Arizona State University*
Berkshire Community College*
Boise State University*
Bradley University*
Brandeis University*
Carnegie Mellon*
Casper College*
Clemson University*
Coastal Carolina University
Colorado State University*
CSU Channel Islands*
CSU Chico*
CSU Dominguez Hills*
CSU East Bay*
CSU Fresno*
CSU Fullerton*
CSU Long Beach*
CSU Monterey Bay*
CSU San Bernardino*
CSU San Marcos*
Dominican University*
Duke University*
Eckerd College*
Emory University*
Florida International University*
Florida State University*
Furman University*
George Mason University*
Granite State College*
Hampton University*
Humboldt State University*
Indiana State University*
Iowa State University*
Johns Hopkins University*
Kennesaw State University*
Louisiana State University*
Northwestern University*
Oklahoma State University*
The Pennsylvania State University*
Rochester Institute of Technology*
Rutgers University*
Saginaw Valley State University*
San Diego State University
San Francisco State University*
Santa Clara University*
Sierra College*
Sonoma State University*
Southern Oregon University*
Stony Brook State University of New York*
Temple University*
Texas Tech University*
Towson University*
Tufts University*
UC Berkeley*
UC Davis*
UC Irvine*
UC Los Angeles*
UC Riverside*
UC San Diego*
UC Santa Cruz*
University of Alabama in Huntsville*
University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa*
University of Alaska at Fairbanks*
University of Arizona
University of Arkansas*
University of Cincinnati*
University of Connecticut*
University of Dayton*
University of Delaware*
University of Denver*
University of Georgia*
University of Hawaii at Manoa*
University of Illinois*
University of Kansas*
University of Kentucky*
University of Maryland
University of Massachusetts – Boston*
University of Miami
University of Michigan*
University of Minnesota*
University of Missouri – Columbia*
University of Montana*
University of Nebraska*
University of Nevada, Las Vegas*
University of Nevada, Reno*
University of New Mexico*
University of North Carolina, Asheville
University of North Carolina, Wilmington*
University of North Dakota*
University of North Florida*
University of Oklahoma*
University of Oregon*
University of Pittsburgh*
University of Rhode Island
University of Richmond*
University of South Carolina Beaufort*
University of South Dakota, University Center*
University of South Florida*
University of Southern Maine*
University of Southern Mississippi*
University of Texas at Austin*
University of Texas at El Paso*
University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston*
University of the Pacific*
University of Utah*
University of Vermont*
University of Virginia*
University of Washington*
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee*
Vanderbilt University*
West Virginia University*
Widener University*
Yavapai College*
*Endowed program

Life Long Learning all-inclusive travel discounts, offers and life-long learning and volunteer opportunities for older adults are available.






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