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WHATWorkshops for older adults entering midlife.
WHYTo provide high-end resort style workshops for those who are transitioning into uncharted phase of midlife.
WHEREThe Modern Elder Academy. Founder - Chip Conley.

Program Description

“ Instead of creating a seniors’ community with a golf course, we’d be creating 12 acres with a Wisdom Center in the middle, with workshops and programs to develop wisdom at any age, says Conley. There’d be housing for people who want an extended stay and for those who want to be there for a week or a month. ‘Not a commune or a Mexican kibbutz, but different than a gated community, Conley says. A lot more communal, with amenities. ”
source: Article: Modern Elder Academy: The Cool School For Midlifers.

“ We are all elders in the making, Mr. Conley said. If you’re 40 years old and surrounded by 25-year-olds, you’re an elder. ” Article: A New Luxury Retreat Caters to Elderly Workers

The Modern Elder Academy includes one week all-inclusive workshops at beachfront in Mexico.

Workshops focus on realizing the transitions associated with aging, identifying where one is currently at with respect to identity, purpose and life goals and life-long learning.

Midlife workshops include:

Classroom learning
Encore Careers
Cultural experiences

The goal of the workshop is to provide those who are entering their 50’s with a better understanding, adaptable, and empowered approach to the next phase or second act life.

The Founder of The Modern Elder Academy, Chip Conley is the author of the book ‘Wisdom at Work The Making of a Modern Elder’ which covers topics of aging, evolving, collaborating, and rewiring instead of retiring.  

Aging Programs
Senior Activities
Life-Long Learning

Find out more about The Modern Elder Academy

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