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WHATYoung people use their skills, time and energy to mentor or help elderly with activities that will connect to their communities.
WHYTo provide an intergenerational exchange of assistance and social activity that will help both the younger generation and older adults.
WHEREMentor Up.
AARP Foundation.
Across the USA.

Program Description

"As part of the younger generation, your digital skills and networking know-how can make a big difference for people over 50 who are stressed, unemployed and worried about going hungry.
That's what Mentor Up is all about - discovering new ways for younger and older generations to connect and help one another."

Mentor Up is reversing the mentoring process to one of the younger generation mentoring the older generation when needed. 

Older adults may face many difficult issues that could easily be handled with the help of a younger generation.

Older adults may be facing issues such as:

• Senior Hunger
• Unemployment
• Social Disconnection

The Mentor Up website has helpful step by step guides on how youth can help elderly such as:

-How to Hold a Food Drive for Seniors
-How to stay Safe on Facebook for Seniors
-How to use the Internet and Social Media

The younger generation could assist with anything from helping seniors find a job to starting a garden.

The Mentor Up website also allows those wishing to help to type in a zip code for a list of local volunteer opportunities, answering the question of how individuals can begin to help seniors.

Intergenerational Social Activity Programs
Seniors Helping Youth Programs
How to Help Elderly

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