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WHATIntergenerational program bringing seniors and students of all ages together for field trips and other learning activities.
WHYSo that both generations are more comfortable with each other and young people can learn the value of volunteerism.
WHERELittle Brothers Friends of the Elderly.
Rochelle, Illinois, USA.

Program Description

"There is plenty of sharing at intergenerational events as well. Elders share their stories, providing an eyewitness account of historic events and a snapshot of what life was like when they were young. Students who participate gain new perspectives, learn the value of volunteering and often have the opportunity to share their expertise with elders on topics from popular music to texting."

The "Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly Intergenerational" Program has coordinated field trips and intergenerational learning activities teaching students the positive aspects of aging.

Students have interviewed seniors and come away with poems or history class projects documenting their experiences.

By sharing their own life stories seniors provide a vital link to the past and an account of historic events.

The "Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly Intergenerational" Program engages pre-school kindergarten, middle school and high school students and families in interactive activities with seniors.

The International Federation of the "Little Brothers of the Poor" is a non profit international organization with thousands of volunteers in the USA, Canada, France, Ireland, Spain, Germany, Poland, Switzerland.

Other "Little Brothers" chapters located in the USA can be found in:


Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Minneapolis / St. Paul
San Francisco

Find out more about the "Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly Intergenerational" Program

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