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WHATA guide that outlines how to plan and engage in intergenerational activities between older adults and younger generations.
WHYTo provide opportunities for social inclusion, bring older and younger generations together for a shared purpose, share and build on strengths within each generation, foster understanding and mutual respect, and challenge ageism.
WHEREIntergenerational Activity Guide. St Monica Trust.
England, United Kingdom.

Program Description

“Nowadays, older people have much less opportunity to spend time with children than they used to. It’s such a shame. This means that both generations are losing out on a very special relationship. But it doesn’t have to be that way.”

“Here at the St Monica Trust we’ve been bringing together different age groups for many years, but when we hosted the first series of Channel 4’s ‘Old People’s Home for 4 Year Olds’ things went to the next level. This handy intergenerational activity guide combines all that we have learned from research and specialists across the board. Whether you live in a retirement community or care home, know someone that does or are simply interested in this fascinating subject this guide will inspire you to get involved.”

The Intergenerational Activity Guide covers:

Why intergenerational activity is important.
• Physical and mental benefits of intergenerational activity.
• How to start intergenerational activities.
• Inspiring stories of intergenerational activity implementation and success.

The St Monica Trust provides senior housing and senior care and support.

Aging Programs
Senior Activities
Intergenerational Programs
Seniors Helping Youth

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