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WHATYoung people volunteer to teach seniors how to use new forms of technology such as Facebook, Skype, email, etc and are entered to win scholarships and prizes.
WHYTo create an intergenerational exchange whereby young adults help seniors to stay on top of new technology and connect with friends and family.
WHEREGrandparents Gone Wired.

Program Description

" spearheads national campaigns so 13 to 25 year-olds can make an impact - without ever needing money, an adult, or a car."

Through Grandparents Gone Wired young people can choose to help their grandparents or older adults in their community at senior centers, nursing facilities, retirement communities, churches, other places of worship and other locations.

Once seniors and volunteers have completed their technology lesson, volunteers then report back to Grandparents Gone Wired with a photo of themselves with their older adult using the technology.

Young adults, who have shown that they have been able to help the elderly get wired are entered to win prizes and up to $5000 campaign scholarships.

Grandparents Gone Wired has several resources, ideas and how to guides to help young people teach seniors more about technology, such as Facebook 101, Skype 101, Windows 101, Mac 101, and iPad 101. helps involve young people in social change on several issues including bullying, animal cruelty, homelessness, hunger and much more.

Intergenerational Social Activity Programs
Seniors Helping Youth Programs
How to Help Elderly




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