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WHATSeniors and students work together to write, produce, and act in original plays based on true stories around the issues of aging.
WHYTo provide a creative space for older adult and younger generation performers and writers.
WHEREGeriActors & Friends.
Alberta, Canada.

Program Description

“Our mission is to develop performer-created theatre and performance-based activities that are of high quality and that foster positive intergenerational interaction and authentic views of aging.”

“At first, short plays were written based on the group’s stories: ’Be careful what you say! He’ll write it down and put it in a play!’ Later, GeriActors became improvisation-based, devising plays based on true stories and issues of aging, and adapting scripts to be relevant to seniors.”

GeriActors is an intergenerational theatre company focused on creating original content specific to aging related topics.

Older adult actors are given the space and opportunity to tell their stories through a creative artistic process.

In addition to on stage performances, AudioGeris re-invents original stage plays and brings stories to life in an audio-only experience.

Community workshops engage seniors and intergenerational groups in unique performance-based activities.

GeriActors Intergenerational Theatre works with University of Alberta’s undergraduate and graduate students by holding courses, workshops, storytelling, play development, and performance.

Classes cover improv, acting, playwriting, stage management and production.

Aging Programs
Senior Activities
Senior Theater and Senior Arts







Find out more about GeriActors Intergenerational Theatre

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