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WHATVolunteers in the entertainment industry are matched with ex-entertainment industry seniors who would benefit from socializing once a week on the phone.
WHYTo reduce senior social isolation due to frailty or medical issues, to provide companionship, and to support senior members and retirees of the entertainment industry.
WHERE Motion Picture Television Fund.
Los Angeles, California, USA.

Program Description

"Volunteers are matched with seniors who would benefit from weekly socializing on the phone. Many times seniors are socially isolated due to frailty or medical issues. Phone Buddies provide companionship, support, and help the person feel connected to the entertainment community."

Volunteers working in the entertainment industry are matched with ex-entertainment industry seniors who would benefit from socializing once a week on the phone.

Senior social matches can be catered to interest level and previous entertainment industry occupation. For example, a retired casting director can be matched up to a younger counterpart that is currently employed in the industry greatly increasing the possibility of connection. Phone calls may possibly lead to mentorship or even provide a career connection.

The Motion Picture Television Fund’s Daily Call Sheet Program is a part of the larger Elder Connection Program, which provides help such as:

-An assessment of seniors’ needs
-Senior financial assistance
-Supportive counseling and referrals to other community agencies and services
-Senior home visits through the “Friendly Visitors” Program where volunteer motion picture industry members visit with seniors in their area
-Help for seniors with grocery shopping
-Senior drivers assessment
-Helping seniors with pets

The Elder Connection Program is free for members of the Motion Picture Television Fund and for their caregivers and family members.

Other MPTF Programs include:

Motion Picture Television Fund (MPTF) Channel 22 Program - Residents at the Motion Picture & Television Fund's (MPTF) retirement community campus run their own television channel creating programming that serves the Wasserman Retirement Campus community through education, information, and entertainment programs.

AgeWell - provides early assessment and intervention for seniors regarding age-related medical and emotional concerns. The program then makes recommendations to primary care physicians and family members on a care plan.

Home Safe Home - free home safety evaluations and free or low-cost senior home modifications or home repairs.

Neighborhood Community Council - proactive senior groups getting together to identify and establish needed resources in their communities.

Life Long Learning Program- Several different learning topics for seniors are presented by Motion Picture Television Fund experts or by community colleges, senior centers etc. Some senior classes are offered by telephone, so that seniors without transportation can learn and participate.

The Motion Picture Television Fund’s Retirement Community is a group is an active retirement community whose members enjoy a high quality of life, while living with their entertainment industry peers in an atmosphere of dignity. The Motion Picture Television Fund provides a health plan tailored to the members of the California entertainment industry.,





Find out more about the The Daily Call Sheet Motion Picture Television Fund MPTF Program

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