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WHAT A child care facility coordinates with a neighboring senior retirement community for an intergenerational pen pal program.
WHYThe pen pal program fosters self-confidence, self-help skills, emotional, physical, social and intellectual stimulation for both seniors and children.
WHEREThe Friendship Center at Schooley's Mountain. Hackettstown, New Jersey, USA.

Program Description

"The Friendship Center is an intergenerational child care facility that incorporates senior citizens from Heath Village, the adjacent retirement community, into its child care programs. Senior volunteers assist the center's professional staff by teaching Bible stories, conducting nature walks, providing musical accompaniment, reading stories, and supervising craft and woodworking projects."

"Where old meets young for learning and fun."

Each pen pal match of child and senior exchange letters and also have opportunities to visit in person and engage in intergenerational learning.

Children from the Friendship Center interact with senior citizens from the Heath Village for other programs such as the “Wood Shop” Program where they both work together on a project. Seniors teach them about skills, tools and stress the importance of safety. Other intergenerational programs include, bible study, art, dance,kindergarten, computers, and nature trails.

The Friendship Center is a Christian environment offeing opportunities for intergenerational programs for seniors and school children.

Find out more about the “The Friendship Center Intergenerational Pen Pal” Program

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