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WHATElders Share the Arts is and art organization for older adults which assists them to learn, create and engage in their community.
WHYTo share stories that might otherwise go untold, advocate for equal arts access on behalf of older adults and acknowledge and respect the elderly as as artists.
WHEREElders Share the Arts.
New York, NY, USA.

Program Description

“Elders Share the Arts programs, which serves isolated, low-income older adults in areas that are art deserts, has been recognized as a model program fulfilling this mandate.”

The Elders Share the Arts program began with elder storytellers and then moved on to incorporate writing, dance, and the visual arts.

The organization funds the following senior arts programs:

Legacy Arts Program- encourages older adults to engage in personal reminiscence and topics relevant to their lives through oral history visual arts, theater arts, writing, storytelling, music, dance and digital media.

History Alive! –14 week intergenerational program writing and theater program allowing students and older adults exchange history through creative expression with a final presentation. Public schools and community-based organizations that work with older adults participate.

Arts and Memory – a dementia art program led by professional artists incorporating theater, improve, music, storytelling, art projects, museum tours.

Pearls of Wisdom - elder storytellers tour senior centers, libraries, schools, parks, and other locations sharing the art of personal storytelling.

Aging Programs
Senior Activities
Senior Theater and Senior Arts




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