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WHATOnline classes to learn basic computer skills.
WHYTo improve digital literacy for those who are new to or uncomfortable using digital devices.
Gail Borden Public Library Online.

Program Description

“DigitalLearn website is now your ‘one-stop shop’ for computer and technology training. Whether you help learners find and use online training, provide individual instruction, or need to teach a class, our growing collection of topics and tools are here to help you.”

“If you are new to computers, haven't used them for a while, are a little unsure and uncomfortable, or just need a bit of a refresher, we have the tools to help you tackle technology at your own pace and gain the confidence you need to succeed.” provides online computer classes along with tools to teach digital literacy classes.

Computer courses include instructor's guides, activity sheets, handouts, PowerPoint presentations, and practice sheets.

Computer courses online include:

  • How to use Windows
  • How to use a Mac
  • How to use a Tablet
  • Online Scams
  • Internet Privacy
  • Intro to Email
  • Applying for Jobs Online
  • Intro to Skype
  • Intro to Facebook
  • How to Use Pinterest
  • How to Buy a Plane ticket online
  • How to use Weebly or Wordpress
  • How to Code Basics
  • QuickBook Basics
  • How to Use Google Sheets, Google Drive, Google Calendar

Aging Programs
Senior Activities
Life-Long Learning

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