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WHATServes elderly and special needs pet owners by providing free pet food and free pet care such as: transportation for veterinary and grooming visits, short-term pet sitting for pet owners who are hospitalized, and financial aid for veterinary care.
WHYPets for the elderly may be the one relationships that an isolated senior has left and should therefore be maintained.Pets provide elderly with great emotional and health benefits.
WHEREFor Pets Sake.
Arkansas, USA.

Program Description

"Our Best Friends Program serves our senior and Special Needs Communities with assistance by providing emergency pet food for senior or special needs pet owners on very limited budgets, assisting with pet transportation for veterinary and grooming visits, providing short-term pet sitting for hospitalized senior or special needs pet owners, providing financial aid for vet care of existing pets."

Seniors and special needs pet owners are provided:

-Emergency free pet food
-Free transportation for veterinary pet care and grooming visits
-Short-term pet sitting for pet owners who are hospitalized
-Financial aid for veterinary pet care

Senior applicants to the "For Pets Sake Best Friends" Program must be 60 years and older and have a maximum annual income of $18,000, and be a resident of Northwest Arkansas.

"For Pets Sake Pets" also manages the "Pets for Vets" Program -matching eligible veterans with pets for free. Veterans can apply for the Pets for Vets Program through the Veteran's Administration.


Pets for Elderly
Terminally Ill and Their Pets
Service Dogs for Elderly

Find out more about the "For Pets Sake Best Friends" Program

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