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WHAT Grants for social activities, resources, tools, wheelchairs, and scooters to help reduce isolation and loneliness in older people and adults living with a disability or mental health problems.
WHYTo improve older people’s quality of life, mobility, social connections and to reduce loneliness.
WHEREGrants to Help Reduce Isolation and Loneliness.
Barchester’s Charitable Foundation.
Barchester Healthcare Foundation.
Across England, Scotland and Wales.

Program Description

“We are particularly keen to provide grants which enable groups and individuals to mix, join in social activities and reduce their danger of isolation and loneliness.”

“Our focus is about connecting or re-connecting people with others in their local community, and we support applications that combat loneliness and enable people to be active and engaged.”

Grants are available to help individuals, community groups and local charities and are meant to connect people with others in their local community, increase independence, activity level, self-sufficiency and dignity.

Grants for older people are available in the following areas:

  • Group social activities in arts, music, sports and culture
  • Equipment and materials
  • Day trips, outings and group holidays
  • Transportation
  • Manual and powered wheelchairs
  • Mobility scooters
  • Specialized trikes / ebikes / bikes
  • Car adaptations


Aging Programs
Senior Activities
Senior Social
Elderly Depression and Mental Health




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