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WHATAn international organization and educational charity concerned with life-long learning for older adults. In particular life-long learning research, practice and policy and involving teaching professionals and volunteers providing life-long learning.
WHYTo promote and support life-long learning allowing older adults to live active and fulfilled lives.
WHEREAssociation for Education and Aging.
United Kingdom.

Program Description

"Promoting later life learning through research, policy and practice."

The "Association for Education and Aging" was started by a group of educators in the United Kingdom's higher education departments.

The focus of the "Association for Education and Aging" is to promote:

-Older adults engaging in life-long learning, education and activities.
-The education and training of life-long learning teaching professionals and volunteers who work with older people.
-Public awareness and education about the aging process.
-Advocate for and listen to older adult learners by supporting and promoting their interests.

The "Association for Education and Aging's" quarterly newsletter provides help, advice and support for life-long learning educators, professionals and senior service providers who engage with older adult learners.

Life-Long Learning

Find Out More about the "Association for Education and Aging" Program

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