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WHATAn intergenerational residential care home for older adults combined with a nursery providing childcare.
WHYTo provide rewarding and interactive experiences for older adults and young children within their respective areas of home and place of learning.
WHEREApples and Honey Nightingale. Nightingale House.
Co-Founder Judith Ish-Horowicz.
United Kingdom.

Program Description

“I think its rejuvenated me to a whole new aspect of being in a care home which normally you’d expect people my age to be sitting around, and when the children come it’s like a light goes on that’s awakening really, I love it.”
-Senior Resident. source: video ‘Apples and Honey at Nightingale House’

“The residents themselves have said that one of the things that strikes them the most is to have that sense of movement around them. It makes them feel like they’re living in a real community and not just a silo of old people. Residents can be in a lot of pain sometimes and they say that having the children around can really distract them from that and they take comfort in it.”
- article ‘Intergenerational Care: Apples and Honey Nightingale, the UK’s First Nursery/Care Home’

“The three words I would use to summarize the experience is that there’s joy, there’s love, and there’s togetherness.

-Head of Activities - Apples and Honey Nightingale.

Apples and Honey Nightingale is the UK’s first intergenerational nursery within a care home for older people.

Intergenerational activities include: singing, dancing, caring for animals, growing vegetables in the garden, playing, cooking and more. Younger children learn from older people and older people share their time and guidance leading to fulfilling daily experiences.

In addition to daycare teachers, older adults assist children with reading and math games allowing for an added dimension to early learning.

The unique setting allows for reduced isolation and loneliness for senior residents and the opportunity to create an extended family which may not exist for older adults living a traditional care home.      

Apples and Honey Nightingale is based in the Jewish faith and traditions and welcome people of all faiths.

The organization offers a Certificate in Intergenerational Care and Education for those interested in specializing in intergenerational settings.

Aging Programs
Senior Activities




Find out more about Apples and Honey Nightingale

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